I got the job!
Before arriving at my interview on Monday I was really nervous, but when I got there, I was fine. It may have partially been because the guy who interviewed me was very kind and down to earth. I was asked some questions during the interview that I was not expecting at all and there was lots of silence while I was thinking of answers!
An hour later he invited me to come in again the next day to observe, and then go through an interview with 2 of the unit mangers. He told me two other people who applied for the job were also going to be observing. He assured me that there was more than one open position so I was not necessarily fighting for the job over the other two.
Tuesdays observation was awesome...I got to observe the 'convict' house...the boys who are convicts. I stayed for about an hour, then joined up with the other 2 girls who were there observing for our questioning time. I wasn't nervous being interviewed by two people, but I was nervous being interviewed in front of the other 2 applicants. I knew there was more than 1 opening, but I didn't know how many more than 1.
Wednesday I went out to lunch with Hillary, and literally right when I started ordering my food the HR guy called, so of course I answered! He talked a little bit then told me they were offering me a conditional position. The word 'conditional' scared me...didn't really know what he meant by that. Ended up all he meant was that I would need to pass a physical, tb test, and drug screen first. Once I found that out, I was relieved!!
Andrew and I had decided even before my interview, that if I got the job we would celebrate by going to Red Robin, so we're going this Saturday and inviting friends. Just about 2 days before I found out I got the job, Andrew also said that I could get a new bike if I was hired! He got a mountain bike a couple months ago, so I really want one. So, now I get a new bike! :)
Training starts August 3rd and lasts 2 1/2 weeks. I'll be pretty tuckered out...Monday and Friday 9-5 in the classroom; Tue, Wed, Thur noon to 9, half class half observation. But I am so excited! I was warned that if I actually work there long enough, I'll be assaulted...kicked, yelled at, spat on, punched...no biggie... Ya, doesn't sound too appealing to most, but I don't mind. I have a passion for these kids, for who knows why, so I'll take the beating.
The month of August, as far as money goes, will be great for us. But once Andrew goes back to school and cuts down on his hours, we'll be back to barely making it. I guess barely making it is better than spending part our savings though, which is what we had to do last month and this month. I'm actually pretty happy with what I'll be making at Devereux, especially b/c the shift I will be working has a $1 differentiation, and I also got a .25 cent 'raise' to start out with because I am considered to have one year of relevant experience.
My prayers really were answered about this job...it's exactly what I want and it came at the perfect time.
PS..This is like me...

...Andrew's been opening at the coffee shop lately so he's been going to bed super early, which means I get bored and end up finding a way into tricking him into waking up...hehehe
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